Thursday 22 December 2016



The Algibric Sum Of All The Voltage Around The Closed Loop Is Zero.

This law is also called Kirchhoff's second lawKirchhoff's loop (or mesh) rule, and Kirchhoff's second rule.
  • In KVL thr total voltage applied to the circuit is equal to the total losses occure in the circuit.
  • he directed sum of the electrical  voltage around any closed network is zero.
  • The algebraic sum of the products of the resistances of the conductors and the currents in them in a closed loop is equal to the total emf available in that loop.
  • In the low-frequency limit, the voltage drop around any loop is zero. This includes imaginary loops arranged arbitrarily in space – not limited to the loops delineated by the circuit elements and conductors. In the low-frequency limit, this is a corollary of Faradays Law of Induction (which is one of the Maxwell Equation This has practical application in situations involving as Static Electricity

Electrical Information

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